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Sponsorship Opportunities for Members


After-5 Events

Networking at it's finest!  Sponsor an upcoming QHMA After 5 Event in a captivating an intimate setting that showcases one of our member's premier venues.  Multiple sponsor levels available for each event.

Training & Development Programs

Support our small business and entrepreneurial trainings and put your name in front of our participants. Not only that, but all our trainings are recorded for our members, so when they are posted, all viewers will see your sponsorship. With more than 200 member businesses and thousands of individuals accessing our members-only sections, you gain a wide distribution for your business, organization, or event! 

Legislative and Municipal Leader Breakfasts & Forums

These are great opportunities to hear from elected leaders and officials on upcoming issues and items of importance to our business community, and to ask crucial questions. Sponsoring one of these events, not only puts your name in front of the business community, but also brings prominence with our government officials. Multiple sponsor levels available for each event. 


QHCC Underwriters are the primary supporters of the Chamber year round for all Chamber events, programs, and projects. They provide the foundation for all of our work! QHCC Underwriters receive signage at all of our in-person events, they are listed prominently on the homepage of our website, in our newsletter, and promoted across the Chamber’s social media channels. Underwriters also receive other benefits such as a free ad-space in our Business & Recreation Guide. Read about our different Underwriter levels here.